Special “Black Friday” Edition* (i.e. No time to write meaningful headings. Hey, it’s my day off.)
The 1st Analysis, Simulation, and Systems Engineering Software Summit (ASSESS)
This coming January a new CAE event will take the stage: Analysis, Simulation, and Systems Engineering Software Summit. This invitation-only event brings together a who’s-who of the simulation world to “put a stake in the ground and prioritize our issues, expose hidden issues, and start the conversation that we jointly benefit by discussing.”
The event will be held on 8-9 January 2015 at the Santa Fe Institute.
[I don’t know about you but I’m very keen on learning what comes out of this. Thanks to Cyon Research and intrinSIM for creating this event.]
First Heading
- The 10th OpenFOAM Workshop will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan on 29 June – 02 July 2015.
- Check out the NSF’s Vizzies, visualization challenge.
- The proceedings of the 23rd International Meshing Roundtable are freely available online via Science Direct. [Sorry if I’ve repeated this yet again.]
- Flow Science released FLOW-3D/MP v6.
- Speaking of Flow Science, they were recently recognized for being a high-growth company and job creator.
Second Heading
- You have until 01 December to participate in a survey on “the fundamentals allowing the engineering designer to perform computer-based design analysis on his/her own.” The survey is being conducted by Halmstad and Lund Universities in Sweden and should take only 15 minutes of your time.
- You have a bit longer – until 31 January – to submit your entry for MSC Software’s Simulating Reality Contest.
- Ohio Northern University‘s use of CAD and CAE in the classroom is nicely profiled by ENGINEERING.com. [Full disclosure: ONU has been a long time user of Pointwise in their CFD classrooms.]
- NAFEMS is offering an online course in Elements of Turbulence Modeling.
Third Heading
- The U.S. Dept. of Energy gave NVIDIA an $18 million grant (one of several grants to various organizations totaling $100 million) for exascale computing research.
- Beta CAE released ANSA v15.1.3.
- csimsoft released Trelis 15.1.
- CFD for optimizing sugar production.
- CFD for analysis of offshore structures.
- NASA researchers studying aeroacoustics received an HPC Innovation Excellence Award.
Fourth Heading
- Autodesk updated its freely available Project Memento for mesh fixing.
- ANSYS Fluent was scaled to use 36,000 compute cores, “an industry first.”
- Speaking of ANSYS, they released SpaceClaim 2015.
- On Various Consequences you’ll find a list of 119 open source aeronautical engineering tools.
- In the last 90 days the most downloaded article from the journal Computer Physics Communications has been one on PyFR.
An Infinite Grid of Light
An alert reader [Thank you, Daniel] made me aware of Numen’s N-Light Membrane, their entry in the Time Space Existence exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2014.
I could stare into this all day. Go to the site and watch the videos and you’ll see why.
*Black Friday is the name given in the USA to the Friday following Thanksgiving when the Christmas shopping season begins with early store openings and cut-throat deals.